How do I change shopify's language

Release time:2023-11-17 11:27

How do I change shopify's language

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that helps merchants set up their online stores quickly and easily. But for some businesses that need to sell across languages, changing the language of the store can be a problem. So, how do you change the store language on Shopify? Next, we will provide you with detailed steps.

How does shopify change the store language

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that helps merchants set up their online stores quickly and easily. But for some businesses that need to sell across languages, changing the language of the store can be a problem. So, how do you change the store language on Shopify? Next, we will provide you with detailed steps.

Step 1: Go to the Shopify background

First, log into your Shopify account and go to the admin page.

Step 2: Click Settings

In the left navigation bar, click the "Settings" button.

Step 3: Select "Language"

On the Settings page, select the Language TAB.

Step 4: Add a new language

In the Languages TAB, you can see the currently existing languages and language regions. If you need to add a new language, you can click the "Add New Language" button.

Step 5: Choose a new language

In the window that pops up, select the language you want to add. Shopify currently supports multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

Step 6: Modify the language

After adding a new language, you can change all the text in the store on this page, including page taglines, product names, etc. If you want to keep the previous language text, you can select "Translate existing text".

Step 7: Save the Settings

When you're done, don't forget to save your Settings. After saving the Settings, the new language will take effect in the store.

Sum up

Changing the store language on Shopify is very simple. Just go to the background management page, select "Settings" - "language" - "Add new language", and then modify the language text. Shopify supports multiple languages, and merchants can choose the appropriate language Settings for their needs. I hope this article was helpful!

How does shopify change the theme language

Shopify is an excellent e-commerce platform that is a great choice for both newbies and veterans. While working with Shopify, we sometimes need to change the theme language, which is very important for our site presentation and user experience. In this article, we'll show you how to change the Shopify theme language.

Step 1: Log into the Shopify background

One is that you need to log into the Shopify background. Enter your username and password, then click the "Sign in" button to access the Shopify background page.

Step 2: Go to the theme editor

After logging into the Shopify background, you need to go to the theme editor of your website. You can go to the Theme Editor page by clicking the Online Store menu and then the Themes TAB.

Step 3: Select language and change

On the Theme Editor page, you will see a "Language" TAB. Click on it and select the language you want to set from the drop-down menu. You can then change the language Settings of the site, including the navigation bar, footer, product page, and so on. After the change is complete, click the "Save" button.

It is important to note that when changing the Shopify theme language, if your theme is custom, you will need to manually change the theme's language file. Download the language file to your computer and then upload it to the theme editor.

Sum up

That's all the steps to change the Shopify theme language. I hope this article has been helpful. In the process of using Shopify, don't forget to keep experimenting and learning to make your e-commerce platform more exciting.

How does shopify upload a change theme

To upload or change the theme, you need to follow these steps:

1. Log into your Shopify account and go to the "Themes" section.

2. On the "Themes" page, you can select an existing theme to use or upload a new one.

3. If you want to upload a new theme, click the "Upload Theme" button, select the theme file to be uploaded, and then click "Upload".

4. If you want to change an existing theme, click the "Edit Code" option in the "Actions" drop-down menu.

5. In the code editor, you can find the file you want to change and make any changes.

6. After the changes are complete, click Save and preview the changes.

7. If everything works, click Publish to apply the changes to the website.

Please note that before making any changes, it is best to back up your theme files just in case. Also, if you're not familiar with editing code, be careful about making changes. If you have any problems, contact the Shopify Support team for help.

How does shopify change languages

To change Shopify's language, you need to perform the following steps:

1. Log into your Shopify account.

2. Click "Settings" in the left menu bar.

3. Click "Language".

4. Select your desired language.

5. Click Save.

6. You can see the new language in the Shopify background.

7. If you need to change the language of the front-end website to your chosen language, go to the "Theme" Settings and select the new language.
